Integrative Medicine

Our Integrative Medicine Center of Excellence is a core function of how we practice across all of our clinics. We focus on optimizing our patients' overall health and well-being, with support from a compassionate team of clinicians and support staff. We employ a holistic approach to mental health care that treats the whole person, integrating mental, physical, and emotional health for comprehensive, personalized care.


Integrative Medicine

Modern psychiatry believes that the body and the mind are inextricably connected, and while mental illnesses affect the brain, they also are related to health below the neck. Variables like global uncontrolled inflammation, cardiovascular health, and even insulin sensitivity dramatically affect mental health. Hightop Health believes that our patients deserve health care that takes all of these factors into consideration, with the understanding that both physical and mental health interventions must be integrated in effective treatment plans.

At Hightop Health, we don’t simply manage top-level symptoms. We recognize treating mental health takes more than an algorithm-based approach. Our clinicians are encouraged to use an integrative approach to treat each patient’s condition—regardless of what’s been tried before. We use all the tools in our toolbox and don’t give up until we’ve found the right solution for each patient.


Connecting Physical And Mental Health

It is well established that your mind and body are inextricably linked. Our expert staff will assess your body, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to create an individualized treatment plan that focuses on holistic health.



Complete the Contact Us form or call a nearby clinic to schedule an initial one-hour intake evaluation. We will collect collateral information from others, such as your primary care providers, medical specialists, families, and friends to help paint a thorough picture of your strengths, assets, and needs in treatment.



Your bespoke treatment plan will address physical, emotional, social, and behavioral components that will help lead to a healthier, happier, more functional life.  Medications, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, education, and cultivation of diverse coping strategies may undergird your blueprint to better health.



Hightop Health clinicians and staff will partner with your support systems, like your other healthcare providers, your families, and friends, and other individuals who are invested in your well-being to help create lasting changes for your head-to-toe wellness. 

Integrative Medicine Research

Integrative Medicine Center Of Excellence

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “People with depression have a 40% higher risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases than the general population.”

Studies show that lifestyle changes such as getting consistent physical activity, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting adequate sleep can significantly reduce many symptoms associated with depression and anxiety and can improve cognitive function and resilience. Research also indicates that poor brain health is strongly correlated with various physical health issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic pain. 

For example, chronic inflammation, often associated with conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol, is linked with higher rates of mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. Additionally, estrogen, testosterone, and inflammation levels can strongly influence mental health conditions. Another critical aspect of our approach is managing the impact of technology on mental health. Excessive digital screen time can harm sleep quality and attention span.



At Hightop Health, we are at the forefront of integrative mental health care, specializing in understanding the interconnections between mental and physical health that significantly enhance overall well-being. We believe it’s crucial to study both psychological and biological factors because many chronic mental health conditions are often influenced by or enhanced by lifestyle choices, just as one’s ability to prioritize exercise, nutrition, and restorative sleep is impacted by their thoughts and feelings. 

That’s why we’ve developed a revolutionary approach to integrative medicine to help patients better understand the simple lifestyle changes they can make to optimize their well-being. Our Integrative Medicine Center of Excellence embodies a cutting-edge approach to mental health care by focusing on the intricate link between brain health, lifestyle, and mental and physical health.



Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about integrative medicine and Hightop Health’s approach to offering comprehensive mental health care.



Integrative medicine is a core function of how we practice across all of our clinics. We focus on optimizing our patients’ overall health and well-being, with aid from a compassionate team of clinicians and support staff. We employ a holistic approach to mental health care that treats the whole person, integrating mental, physical, and emotional health for comprehensive, personalized care.

Optimizing overall mental health requires understanding the psychological, biological, and environmental  influences on mental well-being. At Hightop Health, each clinic considers lifestyle as part of our comprehensive mental health care approach. Our treatments for various conditions go beyond medication, emphasizing the importance of behavior changes, talk therapy, and a focus on physical wellness as essential components of treatment plans.

At Hightop Health, we don’t simply manage top-level symptoms. We recognize treating mental health takes more than an algorithm-based approach. Our clinicians are encouraged to use an integrative approach to treat each patient’s condition—regardless of what’s been tried before. We use all the tools in our toolbox and don’t give up until we’ve found the right solution for each patient.


“We need to be in nature, we need to move our bodies more, and we need to place firm boundaries around technology. Our sleep is best when we exercise, eat well, and avoid screens. They are all interconnected. In its essence, this is a foundational prescription I would recommend for anyone.”

– Brent Turnipseed, MD



Medical Director, Roots Behavioral Health

Learn More About Our Integrative Medicine Center Of Excellence